DSW invests in young people


Empowering youth for a better future









If you have time, please pop by our booth at the conference! We are located at booth 124/129, close to the Live Stage. We have a wide range of print and digital publications, and our colleagues will be happy to answer any questions. We’d also be open to going for a coffee too if you would like to get to know us better! 

Our New Vision

A world where all youth – especially girls and young women – live free from disease and make independent and informed choices over their sexual and reproductive lives with full access to sexuality education, health services and modern contraceptives.

DSW’s new strategic focus!

To ensure our work has a positive impact, in particular for the young people we work with in East Africa, we have launched a new organisational strategy covering 2021 to 2030.

Our approach

Delivering gender and age sensitive programmes to increase awareness about SRHR, demand for and access to modern contraceptives and youth friendly services, while also addressing harmful practices.

Strengthening the capacity of youth and youth organisations to be active in SRHR as peer-educators, advocates, volunteers, and professionals.

Advocacy and technical assistance to ensure political and financial support for global health, SRHR, and R&D on poverty-related and neglected diseases.

Promoting SRHR by integrating it in multisectoral approaches in order to strengthen the livelihoods of youth.

Increasing our gender focused approach

Gender-sensitive programs that work to increase SRHR/FP awareness, demand, and access to modern contraceptives and youth-friendly services, form the core of our approach. Through initiatives such as the Holistic Action for Young People in the Phase of Adolescence (HAPA) in Kenya, and the Supporting Youth Initiative for Youth Empowerment Tanzania II (SIYET II) in Tanzania, we are providing peer education training on rights and gender equality, in addition to raising awareness at community level on SGBV, including FGM and other harmful practices.

Expanding demand and supply of family planning services & commodities

Bringing family planning awareness, services and products to where young people are located, is one of DSW’s central goals. Through our new Flying Nurses mobile outreach in Ethiopia, our long-standing Youth Truck service which targets rural communities in Uganda, and our innovative peer-driven digital initiatives like Life Yangu in Kenya, we are working hard to ensure that modern contraceptives and services are accessible to everyone!

Advancing youth economic empowerment

Adopting a multisectoral approach to development cooperation, has given rise to new entrepreneur-ship opportunities such as the POWER accelerator project for women, and the TeamUp program in Uganda, the latter of which is funded by the  German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, together with our partners Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung and Siemens Stiftung. We fully believe that the inclusion of SRHR/FP in other development sectors to enhance livelihoods for young people is an important innovative approach.


DSW Side Events at ICFP

Investing in contraceptive R & D to reduce the unmet need for family planning

Date: 15 November 2022

Time: 10:15 – 11:35

Venue: PEACH Pattaya 7

Tracking what counts: trajectories and impacts of donor funding for family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights

Date: 15 November 2022

Time: 07:00 – 08:25

Venue: PEACH Pattaya 5

Women’s health is the cornerstone of any feminist development policy – emerging programmatic strategies from Germany and East Africa

Date: 16 November 2022

Time: 7-9 PM

Venue: PEACH Pattaya 14

Poster Presentation on Donors Delivering for SRHR

Date: 15 November 2022

Time: 10:00 – 12:00

Venue: PEACH Pre function Area

The Power of Partnerships- Data (https://www.lifeyangu.com/)

Session: Bayer Lunch Symposium

Date: November 16, 2022

Time: 1.25 – 2.25pm

Venue: Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall, Plenary Hall

Gender Equality, Dignity and Women’s Empowerment in Busia County, Kenya 


Date: 15 November 2022

Time: 15.30

Venue: Peach Pre-function Area

Lessons learnt from Holistic Action project for Adolescents (HAPA) in improving sexual reproductive Health outcomes in Kenya

Date: 15 November 2022

Time: 11:50 – 13:10

Venue: Peach Pattaya 17

How youth involvement influences Sexual Reproductive Health and family planning investments

Date: 16 November 2022

Time: 11:50-13:10

Venue: PEACH Pattaya 1


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