
Unleashing Africa's Research Excellence - Maximising Global Health R&I in Africa-EU Development Cooperation

This factsheet explores how the EU can support youth empowerment in Uganda, the country with the second largest youth population in the world. 


When governments prioritise investments and improve policies for young people (especially girls and young women), this has a positive impact on the rest of their lives and indeed whole societies. By gaining the support of decision-makers for our cause, we can achieve more.


In many African countries, young people are a majority, often accounting for more than 60 percent of the population. Africa’s youth population is expected to continue to grow throughout the remainder of the 21st century, and to more than double its current levels by 2055. In this context, there is no development without youth.


Call for a dedicated R&I instrument for diseases of poverty under FP9: Building on the success of EDCTP.


Today one billion people worldwide are affected by poverty-related and neglected diseases (PRNDs), including major diseases like HIV&AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and a range of neglected infectious diseases.


Adolescence and youth* is often thought to be the healthiest time of life. Yet, more than half of the world’s 1.8 billion young people aged 10–24 years grow up in ‘multi-burden countries’, characterised by high levels of adverse health outcomes.


More than half of the world’s 1.8 billion young people aged 10–24 years grow up in so-called ‘multi-burden countries’, with high levels of adverse health outcomes.


One thing is very clear: young people make up the biggest part of the world’s population, especially in countries affected by extreme poverty.


The regulation of health products is an essential aspect of a functioning health system. Unfortunately, many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) lack sustained funding and the technical expertise necessary to robustly and comprehensively regulate the research and registration of new health technologies.


Science Technology and Innovation (STI) will play a central role in accomplishing the SDGs, which cannot be achieved with today’s technologies. Supportive policies, bold investment, and coordinated financing in the area of STI will be critical to ensuring the EU’s leadership in sustainable development.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the EU-Africa partnership

The future partnership between the European Union and Africa represents an opportunity to implement existing political commitments, such as the Maputo Protocol, and make sexual and reproductive health and rights a reality for all.


What progress has been made since 1994 and what action is needed to reach the ICPD goals set out in Cairo?

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights - Investing in Youth

Young people make up the biggest part of the world’s population, especially in countries affected by extreme poverty. Investing in their sexual and reproductive health and rights is essentails to unleashing their potential.


How could EU R&I funding contribute to filling the global health gaps for poverty related and neglected diseases (PRNDs)?

Towards a new EU Global Health Strategy: Civil society shadow Global Health Strategy

In this publication a coalition of civil society organisations working on global health gives an overview of what an EU Global Health Strategy should look like.

Towards a new EU Global Health Strategy: Executive Summary and Recommendations

Executive summary and main recommendations of the publication “Towards a new EU Global Health Strategy: Civil society shadow Global Health Strategy”.

A new EU Global Health Strategy: Why it's needed and how it should look

This publication stresses the need for a EU Global Health Strategy, also providing some recommendations on how to structure its content.

A new EU Global Health Strategy: Why we need it now

Executive summary and main recommendations of the publication “A new EU Global Health Strategy: Why it’s needed and how it should look”.

Youth & The Future EU-Africa Strategy

2020 is a crucial year for EU-Africa relations. DSW Youth Champions from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia share their thoughts about the key issues that need to be part of a future strategy in order to unlock the power of youth!

Donors Delivering for SRHR - 2020 report

Donors Delivering for SRHR is a complementary accountability tool to ensure donors continue to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights and that no one is left behind.

SRHR & Climate Change Factsheet

A Countdown 2030 factsheet developed by DSW and IPPF exploring the link between sexual and reproductive health and rights and the European Green Deal. 

SRHR & Digitalisation Factsheet

A Countdown 2030 factsheet developed by DSW with IPPF exploring how digitalisation and sexual and reproductive health and rights can strengthen one another. 

SRHR & Economic Empowerment Factsheet

A Countdown 2030 factsheet developed by DSW and IPPF exploring how sexual and reproductive health and rights are linked to decent work and economic empowerment. 

Report: Poverty-Related and Neglected Diseases through a Gender Lens

A new report developed by DSW highlighting gender-related aspects of PRNDs, analysing the implications on research and innovation (R&I) needs and the role of gender-sensitive and gender-responsive approaches in fighting PRNDs. 

Snapshot: Poverty-Related and Neglected Diseases through a Gender Lens

This is a snapshot of our report “PRNDs Through a Gender Lens”, analysing the implications on research and innovation (R&I) needs and the role of gender-sensitive and gender-responsive approaches in fighting PRNDs. 

How fighting diseases of poverty contributes to Global Health Security

A study commissioned by DSW to analyse how fighting poverty-related and neglected diseases (PRNDs) contributed to global health security (GHS), and to propose policy recommendations to advocate in the field of GHS.

Executive Summary: How fighting diseases of poverty contributes to Global Health Security

The executive summary of a study commissioned by DSW to analyse how fighting PRNDs contributed to global health security (GHS), and to propose policy recommendations to advocate in the field of GHS.

EU-Africa cooperation on epidemic preparedness and health security: success stories and lessons learned from covid-19

A new policy paper by DSW aiming to provide policy recommendations to improve EU-Africa cooperation on epidemic preparendess and health security, particularly in the fields of R&D and health systems strengthening (HSS).

Factsheet: How can the EU support youth empowerment in Uganda?

The factsheet explores the status of young people in Uganda, including their challenges, why it is import to invest in youth empowerment, and what the EU can do to support Ugandan youth.

Factsheet: Digitalisation and SRHR in Kenya

This factsheet explores how digitalisation has the power to expand young people’s family planning and SRHR choices, and how the EU could support. 

Factsheet: How the EU and Tanzania can work together on youth empowerment

The factsheet explores the status of young people in Tanzania, including their challenges, why it is import to invest in youth empowerment, and what the EU can do to support Tanzanian youth.

Donors Delivering for SRHR - 2021 Report

Donors Delivering for SRHR is an annual publication and accountability tool that analyses the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) database of SRHR funding disbursements.

Team Europe Initiative on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR): An opportunity to advance SRHR for all in Sub-Saharan Africa

This factsheet proposes a series of recommendation for the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) on the following key areas: the role of civil society; addressing the main barriers to the realisation of SRHR; funding.

The AU-EU Summit: Civil Society Recommendations for Transformative Actions on Health

DSW, as part of a coalition of global health civil society organisations, shares recommendations on how to deliver transformative health actions ahead of the AU-EU Summit in February 2022.

CEPI: A global R&I partnership for epidemic preparedness and response

An overview of what the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) does, and why it is important for global health R&I that the EU invests in CEPI.

Youth Action Plan: A unique opportunity to ensure healthy and self-determined lives for all young people

The factsheet looks at how the Youth Action Plan can contribute to improve the lives of youth in sub-Saharan Africa and around the world, in terms of SRHR, education, youth participation, and economic empowerment, also offering some recommendations for the EU.

Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR): A refresher

This factsheet gives an overview of what SRHR are, including the benefits it offers and the challenges it faces, especially in LMICs. The factsheet also assesses the EU’s commitment to SRHR, and provides some recommendations for EU decision makers.

The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

What is the EDCTP? What has it achieved in the past and what its future programme will look like? This publications answers these questions, while also looking at how the EU can make sure to maximise the impact of the EDCTP.

Poverty-related and neglected diseases: what role for EU research and innovation?

PRNDs mainly affect populations in low- and middle-income countries, causing stigma and social exclusion. In this factsheet, we look at what PRNDs are, their impact on affected populations, and how the EU can support R&I efforts to tackle these diseases.

POWER (Providing Opportunities for Women in Entrepreneurship and Reproductive Health).

A brief overview of POWER – a new startup accelerator running in Uganda. This nine-month pilot provides training, capdev, and mentoring for twelve women entrepreneurs (18-30) towards the development of sustainable businesses in the fields of FP and SRHR.

Donors Delivering for SRHR - 2022 report

In 2020, after a drop in disbursements in 2019, donors’ SRHR funding was back to the level of 2018. This is mainly due to several large donors increasing the total amount of their SRHR disbursements. Download the report for more information.

The EU’s bilateral and regional cooperation with partner countries: What’s in it for SRHR?

SRHR is critical for sustainable development as it enables people, especially women and youth, to thrive and lead healthy and fulfilling lives. So how is the EU promoting SRHR in its international cooperation? Find out in this factsheet.

Making a case for a priority review voucher in the eu

This policy paper outlines how a priority review voucher (PRV) programme for neglected infectious diseases could be introduced in the EU, and explores its potential to incentivise research and innovation in this neglected area of global health.

Donors Delivering for SRHR - 2023 report

Find out about countries’ contribution to SRHR in this report tracking funding of all OECD DAC countries in 2021, as part of their Offical Development Assistance (ODA).

The EU Youth Action Plan: Now What?

This paper offers a brief analysis of the YAP, including  a series of recommendations for its execution. The insights are shaped by the lessons drawn from successful and impactful programmes DSW and other NGOs have implemented, focusing on youth and child empowerment. 

The EU’s bilateral cooperation with partner countries: What’s really in it for SRHR?

This report looks at the EU investments to SRHR in its bilateral cooperation with partner countries and provides some recommendations to EU Delegations on how to deliver on their commitments.

The EU’s bilateral cooperation with partner countries. Key findings and recommendations

This factsheet focuses on the recommendations and key findings of the report “The EU’s bilateral cooperation with partner countries: What’s really in it for SRHR?” developed together with Countdown 2030 Europe and IPPF European Network.

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