Leave A Legacy

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At DSW we’re working towards a future free from diseases of poverty. A future where we have overcome the epidemics of HIV & AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases. We believe that this is achievable, but we need Europe’s leaders to take action, leading the way and committing to more investment for global health research and innovation. We want them to be able to look back and say “together, we have defeated these diseases of poverty”.

For World Tuberculosis Day, we want people and especially Europe’s political leaders to realise the difference they could make and the legacy they could be remembered for, and to do something today to achieve it tomorrow.​

We think that can be achieved in four simple steps:

  • #LeaveALegacy by making sure that global health research and innovation secures the funding to develop the accessible and affordable medical solutions we need to put an end to diseases like HIV & AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria

  • #LeaveALegacy by ensuring that the EU’s research agenda for the next decade delivers on the Sustainable Development Goals, while generating quality employment and research excellence.

  • #LeaveALegacy by committing to a dedicated and ambitiously-funded R&I partnership instrument with Sub-Saharan-Africa, building on the success of existing programmes and open to the best researchers in the world

  • #LeaveALegacy by being ambitious with the EU’s global health aims:. A major research and innovation mission aimed at diseases of poverty and backed by at least €1 billion would usher in a revolutionary new generation of vaccines, treatments and diagnostic tools for those in need.

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Want to know more about DSW’s position on the EU’s next research agenda? You can find out more:

  • in this briefing, produced by us together with our partners in the global health community: EU Support for Global Health R&I
  • Read the press release announcing the launch of the #LeaveALegacy campaign here

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