MC coverInadequate resources contribute to poor family planning indicators (FP). DSW, as part of our ‘Euroleverage’ programme, seeks to address the unmet need for FP services in East Africa through increased funding by seeking to ensure that international, national and sub-national budgets for family planning are enhanced in line with long-standing internationally agreed commitments.


In order to bolster these efforts, DSW and its Euroleverage partners have carried out budget analyses on current FP policies. These research reports aim to establish trends in the allocation and disbursement of resources at donor, national and subnational levels in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. This analysis will inform advocacy engagement with decision-makers in these countries by improving civil society organisation (CSO) understanding of existing FP policies and budgets. The research will enable CSOs to track the progress of government decision-making on responsive FP policies, budgets and their implementation, and will support progress towards international and national family planning commitments.

The in-depth analysis has involved a review of national and sub-national (selected districts or counties) FP policies and budgets, in addition to focus group discussions with local communities. The outcomes of these debates will be used to determine whether the policies and budgets in place are effectively addressing the concerns of these local communities. This approach marks a fundamental shift – from merely “counting the money” to “making sure the money counts”; and tracking of resources through to their impact on FP outcomes in target communities.


Through these studies, DSW aims to strengthen communities and CSO capacity to engage in decision-making on policy and budget cycles to ensure that they are equipped to contribute meaningfully to the processes.


You can download the reports at the links below:






















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