Every week we post interesting, provocative, informative and thought-provoking articles that we at DSW have been reading – from global health, to sexual rights, to ODA and the future of development assistance. Enjoy!

  • The 47th meeting of the Commission on Population and Development has just finished up in New York. A crucial step along the way towards mainstreaming SRHR in the post-2015 agenda, DSW Executive Director Renate Baehr was there, and spoke to the CPD about the key challenges facing SRHR. You can read her comments over at the Women Deliver website.

  • IPPF have also been actively blogging from the CPD in New York, and you can read their conclusions on the week’s work here. Also, they have just published a scorecard of the World Bank’s activities under the Bank’s Reproductive Health Action Plan 2010-2015. Read more here.


  • The European Parliament this week approved the final legislation on the second European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP2). This a key pillar in the EU’s response to poverty-related and neglected diseases. The Programme aims to develop at least one new and innovative medical intervention for market release before 2023. Rapporteur Vicky Ford MEP has written about the opportunities of the EDCTP here.


  • Last week in Brussels, the European Parliament held a debate on the European Citizens Initiative (ECI – for more about what this is read here) “One of Us” which threatens EU funding for family planning, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and maternal and child health. The New York Times, El Pais, Svenska Dagbladet and others provided good coverage of the dangers of the initiative, and you can watch a report by Irish state broadcaster RTE on the days events.


If we have missed anything you think we SHOULD be reading, then let us know in the comments below, or via Twitter and Facebook!

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