Tanzania has joined other countries in the world in celebration for International Women’s Day in March 08, 2018.  The day was commemorated by women from various sectors gathering together and portraying different messages and activities.

The theme for this year is Towards an Industrial Economy: Strengthening Gender Equality and Rural Women Empowerment

DSW Participation in International Women’s Day in Dar es Salaam

DSW Youth during the International Women’s Day in Dar es Salaam

In Dar es Salaam the celebration involved exhibition of various works from the women entrepreneurs’, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and International Development Organizations and Partners. DSW Tanzania also made the exhibition to showcase its activities and projects to the audience. Some of the DSW projects are Youth to Youth (Y2Y) and Securing Health through Advocacy and People’s Empowerment (SHAPE).

DSW Staff and Youth Champions were able to actively participate during the exhibition by increasing awareness on budget and policies on the issues of Sexual Reproductive Health, Gender and Family Planning.

During the exhibition DSW was able to do advocacy and increasing gender awareness among the youth and community and show the importance of youth being empowered in making informed choices especially on early marriage and unintended pregnancies.

The Youth Champions were able to demonstrate how DSW youth clubs and Youth Empowerment Centre (YEC) have been a successful in empowering youth and girls from informal sector for Income Generating Activities (IGA). The DSW youth clubs members have been able to establish their own business and engage in entrepreneurship. DSW youth also facilitated a session on Empowering Girls during a symposium.

Various officials who visited DSW Booth having a discussion with DSW Staff and Youth Champion during The International Women’s Day Exhibition in Dar es Salaam

Commitment towards Gender Equality, Women Empowerment and Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals

The Government of Tanzania has recognized the greatly contribution of women towards country economic development. The Government has made a commitment to continue supporting the women through the implementation of various policies that campaign against Gender Based Violence and foster women economic empowerment.

Across different institutions statements were given during celebration of International Women’s Day.  The Head of EU Delegation to Tanzania Roeland Van de Geer made remarks during commemoration of International women’s Day. He said European Union is committed to work together with the Government of Tanzania and other partners in implementation of National Gender Policy for elimination of Gender Based Violence in the society.

Tanzania UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Alvaro Rodriguez commenting on “Leaving Women behind would be a Big Mistake”. He advocate for Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals on achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. He said for Tanzania to be able to achieve its vision legal, political and socio-economic empowerment for the woman is prerequisite.  Mr. Rodriguez commends  the efforts done by the  Government  of Tanzania in supporting women  mentioning the implementation National Plan of Action on Violence  Against Women and Children as one of the  exemplary achievement.


DSW Staff and Youth Champion who participated in the exhibition during the International Women Day pose in a group photo







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