To celebrate the re-branding of the DSW website and our fantastic new blog, we are launching a new series to introduce the people that really make DSW the organisation it is. It is our excellent colleagues across DSW that allow it to be such an effective organisation and such a great place to work! This week, we introduce Joyce Ampumuza, Project Officer with DSW Uganda.

Joyce, DSW Uganda


What are you doing for DSW? What are your main tasks?

I work as a project officer; placed under the Youth Truck Project. The Youth Truck is a mobile information tool that is used to reach out to youth and Communities with information on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), HIV/AIDS, entrepreneurship Information. We use a variety of methods including film shows, community dialogues, and edutainment as strategies to reach out to these communities.

My main tasks include training peer educators and members of the community giving them SRHR information, HIV/AIDS, Life Skills, Entrepreneurship, so that they reach out to other youth in their communities with the same information. Peer educators readily avail other youth with this information this way there’s a multiplier effect and the same information reaches many more youth than DSW can reach.

Other main tasks I have include designing and implementing youth friendly activities for the Youth Truck focusing on issues of SRHR, HIV/AIDS, Business and Entrepreneurship, Life Skills, and Gender. I carry out trainings for youth and for Communities; and also carry out Community Dialogues in hard to reach places, like fishing communities on islands.

What are the biggest challenges in your work? And how do you overcome them?

Challenges I have faced include language barriers in hard to reach communities where they don’t speak English, we resolve this by using an interpreter, although sometimes they may change the meaning of the message you are putting across.

What excites you about the work you´re doing?

Working with Young people, helping them come to the realization of some myth they carry excites me. For instance many of the youth in rural areas are easily deceived that they can’t get pregnant the first time they have sex! It excites me to give them the correct information.

While working for DSW, did you have any special experience or highlight you will always remember?

Highlight for me so far is helping young mothers access Family planning. At one International Women’s Day Celebration I managed to help a number of them choose the reliable methods of Family planning. I have been called by some of these mothers to tell me I helped them. This gives me joy beyond description.

What are you doing in time when you are not working for DSW?  (Hobbies, Activities after work)

My hobbies include listening to Christian Music, Watching Movies; My favourite move the one I watch when I need a good laugh is The God’s Must be crazy!!


If you want to find out more information about the work that Joyce is involved in, check out DSW’s website and learn more about our youth-focused projects.


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