
DSW Tanzania has conducted a series of meetings through its advocacy initiative known as Building Experts in Youth and Organizations for National Positions on the post-2015 Development Agenda (BEYOND), which seeks to engage Civil Organizations (CSO), youth and key stakeholders to ensure that population dynamics, youth and SRHR are featured in the new agenda and national plans.

The meeting brought together representatives from Civil Society Organizations and  youth networks to share experiences on the process of post 2015 development at national and International level and  discuss on how to monitor the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals related to SRHR and youth development with the President’s Office Planning Commission (POPC).

A representative from the President’s Office – Planning Commission Mr. Ibrahim Kalengo, presented an overview of the Sustainable Development Goals and the consultation process at national and International level.

“Civil Society Organizations and the government need to turn attention to the implementation of the SDGs. At the moment the government is putting efforts in awareness creation and domestication of the post-2015 Development Agenda in our national plans and strategies. For Tanzania the agenda is being formulated at an opportune time where the Government is embarking on the formulation of the Second Five Year Development Plan which will take the post-2015 Development Agenda into consideration” said Mr. Ibrahim Kalengo.

CSOs were also reminded that development is not a responsibility of state actors only and public international organizations like the UN, now it is the obligation of non-state actors too. It is therefore important to include non-state actors in the discussion, formulation and implementation of the SDGs and post 2015 development agenda.

Youth representatives from different networks gave their opinion to the government a on what they would like to see in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal in relation to SRHR and development. “We are asking the government to expand championship on SRHR, design more edutainment programmes on SRHR (TV , Radio, drama, etc.), and establish more Youth Friendly Services at health facilities and youth community centers that are attractive to young people. We need them to establish a mechanism to educate parents on SRHR and Youth Friendly Services, develop friendly version of IEC material on the SDGs and SRHR, Youth involvement in the post 2015 agenda, and we need the immediate Inclusion of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in education for both primary and secondary school curriculum” they insisted.

During his closing remarks, the DSW Tanzania Country Director, Mr. Peter Owaga, said “we are requesting the government to consider youth involvement and representation of their issues around health, education and employment when planning. If these are prioritized in our national plans, it will greatly catapult economic growth”.

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