World Contraception Day 2015 is just around the corner – tomorrow – so we thought it was high time that we educated our readers on sex. but, we figured, you know all about why and when to use condoms and other types of contraception. So instead we thought we would bring you some little-known facts about all things sex and contraception!

World Contraception Day 2015Condoms have been around for hundreds of Years

But they haven’t always been particularly comfortable. Before latex condoms were invented, people used sheepskin. (That’s right – the actual skin from a sheep!) And before that, they used linen.

The first recorded use of condoms dates back to the 16th century. A physician named Gabriello Fallopio invented a system that used thin cotton sheets soaked in chemicals and was held in place with a ribbon. Just be glad you live in the age of latex.

World Contraception Day 2015The average Man produces 500,000,000,000 Sperm in his Lifetime

That’s around 1,000 sperm per second or 85 million a day. In the space of three months, we’re talking about 7.6 billion of these little guys – more than the entire human population of planet Earth.

There are more sperm in a single ejaculation than there are people in most countries. Semen contains between 9 and 259 million sperm per milliliter, and the average ejaculation ranges between 1.2 and 7.6 milliliters. Which means men can potentially release up to about 900 million sperm in one go.

World Contraception Day 2015The average young person has Sex every three Days

Overall, on average more than 3,000 times! However, the frequency of sex is not spread evenly throughout our lives. Studies show that sexual activity is most frequent in the 18 to 29 age range, with the typical person having sex 112 times per year. By the time you get to your forties, the average has dropped to 69 times per year.

World Contraception Day 2015Sperm are faster than Olympic Sprinters

During ejaculation, sperm travel at an average speed of 28 mph. The fastest a human being has ever run is 27.78 mph, a record that was set during a 100 meter sprint.  Luckily for us, sperm are not allowed to compete in the Olympics.

World Contraception Day 2015Sex is a good Workout

According to researchers from the University of Quebec, a vigorous lovemaking session burns around 215 calories per hour, which is comparable to taking a 30-minute brisk power walk on the treadmill. And way more fun.

World Contraception Day 2015 – About the Campaign

World Contraception Day (September 26) is the annual highlight of an ongoing campaign for sexual health. Entitled It’s your life it’s your future, this campaign takes a revolutionary approach to sex education. Its ultimate goal is a world in which every pregnancy is wanted.

The World Contraception Day 2015 campaign has a dedicated website,, where young people can get accurate and unbiased advice on contraception. The content is presented in a straightforward and relatable way, without judging or lecturing.

It’s your life – it’s your future and World Contraception Day 2015 is run by a coalition of twelve international partners:

  • Asian Pacific Council on Contraception (APCOC)
  • Centro Latinoamericano Salud y Mujer (CELSAM)
  • DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung)
  • EngenderHealth
  • European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health (ESC)
  • International Federation of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (FIGIJ)
  • International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
  • Marie Stopes International (MSI)
  • Population Services International (PSI)
  • The Population Council
  • The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • Women Deliver (WD)

With support from Bayer HealthCare for World Contraception Day 2015, these organizations are working to empower young people around the world, helping them to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health.

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