The total approved budget for next financial year 2015/16 is UGX23,972 billion and external financing is equivalent to UGX. 5,649 billion in grants and loans. FY 2015/16 Budget focus is mainly on the National Security and Defense, Private Sector Enterprise Development and health comes fifth with 1,270.8 billion FY 2015/16.

Health Service Delivery

Health service delivery was reported to have improved as a result of Government interventions with the support from development partners. In 2014 Infant Mortality rate reduced to 54/1,000 Live Births; Under Five (5) mortality reduced to 90 per 1000 live births, Child stunting has decreased to 33% while the Contraceptive Use Prevalence Rate has increased from 24 % to 30%.

 Health sector Interventions for Financial Year 2015/16:

The Minister of Finance in his speech recognized Uganda’s high population growth rate, driven by the high fertility rate which poses challenges for health care delivery. Women and children remain the most vulnerable groups to diseases. In order to address these challenges government plans to:

  •  Construct a specialized Maternal ,Neonatal and Reproductive health unit
  • increase the percentage of staff housed from 17 percent today to 30 percent by 2018. This will improve efficiency and effectiveness at the lower health facilities for improved service delivery.
  • Providing comprehensive antenatal

With this kind of intervention government projects in FY 2015/16 to: Reduce maternal mortality rates to fall from 438 per 100,000 live births to 220 per 100,000 live births but also aims to reduce infant mortality rates from 54 per 1,000 live births to 44 per 1,000 live births

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