Her Excellence Ms.Daniela Schadt giving remarks upon launching of BEYOND 2015 initiative.
H.E Ms.Daniela Schadt giving remarks upon launching of BEYOND 2015 initiative.

DSW Tanzania launched an advocacy Initiative dubbed BEYOND (Building Experts in Youth and Organizations for National positions on post 2015 Development agenda)that aims at prioritizing planning by consideration of population, SRHR and youth in the Post 2015 Development agenda. The Launch was officiated by Her Excellency Ms. Daniella Schadt, partner of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany. The State visit included a visit to DSW offices where she had discussions with the DSW Country Director and also had a chance to learn and see DSW work being showcased by youth, women and DSW staff. Her Excellency hailed DSW work in Tanzania in regard to empowering young people using the Youth to Youth peer approach and also the advocacy work on health.

In her remarks during the launch, Ms Daniella Schadt stated that she was pleased to see first-hand the work of DSW and resoundingly gave a message that investing in youth should be a priority globally. She reaffirmed: ”the best thing we can do for a country or a community is to support young people to believe in themselves. We need to support young people now because the future is now. The key is education.DSW has brought very important elements together to support young people that include economic empowerment, health education through the use of DSW peer trainers of their own generation. I am very optimistic about DSW work with youth and how they engage communities. The DSW youth should be like an avalanche and share this experience with other youth and communities to make a difference”

DSW Country Director,Mr Peter Owaga  presenting a recognition award  to H.E Ms Daniela Schadt.

DSW Country Director,Mr Peter Owaga presenting a recognition award to H.E Ms Daniela Schadt.

The DSW Tanzania Country Director, Peter Owaga gave a clarion call for National Governments and Global coordinating bodies to consider youth as a demographic dividend for economic prosperity. He explained that over sixty percent of Tanzania population is young people.

“Global sustainable development will be shaped by the Post-2015 Agenda and this can only be meaningful if effective participation by affected populations especially young people and civil society is key to ensure an inclusive process in trendsetting of Beyond 2015 development agenda.”

DSW Country Director,Mr Peter Owaga exchanging notes with H.E Ms.Daniela Schadt and Hon.Arumeru District Commissioner,Nyelembe Deus Munasa.
DSW Country Director,Mr Peter Owaga exchanging notes with H.E Ms.Daniela Schadt and Hon.Arumeru District Commissioner,Nyelembe Deus Munasa.

He emphasized also that young people need to be supported through health, education and employment hence job creation is key. His concluding remarks stated: “Investing in young people as a demographic dividend is a smart investment. We should prioritize the needs of young people as it is a critical resource for economic development. This can be realized by seeing it to it that they attain education, have good health and are employed. We therefore need to see job creation as key to this important group. We stand to benefit by devoting increased resources in the aforementioned areas.”

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