Girl’s empowerment and engagement in the fight against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has  proved effective for raising voices to advocate for Anti- FGM  efforts. Senorina Frank is a DSW peer educator who is the front line to eradicated harmful cultural practices. Senorina, is a school health club peer educator from the Binti Na Maendeleo project. She is one among many girls that volunteers to educate other girls and communities to protect girls against marriage, teenage pregnancy and Gender Based Violence. (GBV)

Senorina is a DSW Tanzania  trained peer educator  in  the school health clubs.She is  a charismatic, strong and courageous girl. Senorina is now a leader in her school and health club and has been recognized by her peers as a champion. During the launch of anti-FGM strategy Senorina  and other Adolescent girls and young women participated in showcasing how girls can be effective in standing for their rights and sensitizing the communities to have a safe environment for girls.

During the DSW  Tanzania project annual review meeting  Senorina  co- chaired sessions. Her leadership skills and volunteering spirit has made her to become a role model in her community . DSW Tanzania  has also recognized her as  Champion and Girls Ambassador. Senorina has been proud of her knowledge and her peer’s sessions.  “ DSW Tanzania supported me to be who I am today. I am proud to be an ambassador against Anti- FGM . I  urge other girls to join the fight against FGM’’. Senorina  said.

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