
The SIYB association of East Africa in collaboration with Association for Tanzania Employers (ATE) and DSW facilitated a workshop on Labour law for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Arusha region. 100 entrepreneurs from Arusha Municipal, Arusha rural and Meru districts attended the workshop which was supported by ILO. Among the stakeholders was Labour Officer from Ministry of Labour and Employment, representative from TUCTA and ILO Cordinator for Youth Entrepreneurship Facility (YEF).


The objectives of the workshop were to increase awareness about labour laws for both employers and workers in SMEs, promote and strengthen the capacity of SMEs to comply with labor laws and improve the working conditions of workers within the enterprises that are being run by SMEs and reducing the decent work deficits.

In his opening the representative from the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Mr Baltazari J. Mushi stated that entrepreneurship helps to reduce poverty in the country as well as reduce unemployment among youth and community in general bearing in mind that many people engage in economic activities which improve their wellbeing while contributing to national economic growth.


During the workshop, the representative from ILO, Mr Jealous Chirove emphasized on essence of entrepreneurs to understand labour laws as their enterprises are going to employ other people. “ILO will continue to work with different stakeholders for the benefit of creating decent work in Tanzania”-he reiterated.

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