#LetsSaveLivesWorking for DSW for over 20 years, I have witnessed the terrible suffering that HIV & AIDS, malaria, TB, and other neglected tropical diseases wreak on people living in poverty. These awful diseases rob millions of young people of their futures. They have disastrous consequences for families and communities. They are responsible for holding back huge numbers of people across the world from fulfilling their potential.

Like you, I want this to stop.

#LetsSaveLives Campaign

Today, October 21st, will see DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung) launch a campaign called “Lets Save Lives”. The campaign – centred on an online petition – aims to bring attention and focus to the incredible need for greater investment in global health research and development (GH R&D) for the elimination of these poverty-related and neglected diseases (PRNDs).

#LetsSaveLives CampaignIn 2015 we will celebrate the European Year for Development. Next year will also play host to the final negotiations on what will follow the Millennium Development Goals as the core of the global development agenda. We have a unique opportunity now to mobilise international awareness around the incredible need for greater attention to GHR&D. Investment now can lead to new treatments and medicines that can, finally, end the tyranny of these killer diseases for future generations. #LetsSaveLives together through global health R&D.

But we need your support to make this happen! Sign the #LetsSaveLives petition and join the cause!

By signing our campaign pledge, and encouraging others to join this fight, you will be adding your voice to thousands of others from across the world. By joining this community, you will be supporting us as we call for European political leaders to step forward and commit to investing in new ways to eradicate these deadly diseases.

#LetsSaveLives – EU commitment to global health R&D vital

What we do now could be transformative for countless millions of people in the world today living with these diseases. We urgently need:

  • – Renewed national and European political commitment for global health research and development for the fight against HIV and AIDS, TB, Malaria, and other neglected tropical diseases.
  • – And, in tandem with renewed political support, increased funding by the European Union and European countries for global health research and development targeted at these diseases.

By joining together under the #LetsSaveLives banner, we can make political leaders recognise that, with strong support and innovative investment, we can win the fight against HIV & AIDS, malaria, TB, and neglected tropical diseases. That we can, and will, end these terrible diseases for good.

#LetsSaveLives – sign the pledge!

The more voices speaking we have speaking together, the stronger the message. If you do one thing today, visit the campaign and sign the #LetsSaveLives pledge.

Spread the word – pass it on to your colleagues, friends and family. Get this message out there.

The world is counting on you. #LetsSaveLives together!

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