family planning - DSW UgandaMy family planning initiation was through a friend. As a peer, he explained how a condom is used and frankly it did not seem like rocket science. But other than the idea of fancying to use a condom alongside arguments among my peers of how a condom can disappear in girl’s vagina, I do not recall a serious discussion of how our lives would be much safer by just using these contraceptives. We hardly touched the subject of healthy choices through use of contraceptives such as avoiding STIs including HIV/AIDS and the night mare of any youth to be told he is responsible for an unwanted pregnancy. I suppose at the time, we took to using a condom as more of fashion statement, as opposed to the miracle this little rubber could perform (keeping us safe!).

Family Planning in UgandaAccess to Information on Family Planning

Many years later, as an adult I ask if the so called “Dot.Com” generation with all the possibilities of information access are any better. The answer is unfortunately extremely vague. The fact that many youth can access information does not necessarily mean that; 1) it’s appropriate and accurate and 2) that facts about family planning services conflict with their social beliefs among other factors.

While talking to youth you get to learn quickly that many under pin social, religious and cultural beliefs, that in many ways guide their actions. Others will simply tell you what they have heard through peers about family planning, most of which carries a lot of inaccuracies. While many more continue to think that family planning information and services are benefits for the married and not youth who are out to enjoy life.

Regardless of what we might conclude from all the above, the fact remains that youth are sexually active and this natural passage of growth, experience and maturity in life, is inevitable. Simply put, this calls for the responsibility of every community through various ranks of leadership and those with influence, to talk to youth openly and accurately about sexual reproductive health. We must ensure that young people in underserved developing countries such as sub Saharan Africa get access to SRH/FP services that are friendly to ensure that they appreciate and make healthy and informed choices.

GeNext Uganda – a shining light for youth champions for family planning

This belief cannot be more emphasized than this year’s Uganda World Contraceptive Day with a local theme; which proudly echoes the slogan “My life, My future”. This work is exemplified by the GeNext Uganda “My Life, My Future!” project we have undertaken with Bayer HealthCare. it is aimed at training up young people to spread the word on family planning and access to sexual and reproductive health services. You can find more about the project here!

Mona Herbert, Country Director, DSW Uganda

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