Women and Girls Empowerment Project, contributes to Poverty reduction by strengthening women and girls voices for economic self reliance. Through trainings, women and girls peer educators were impacted with knowledge on sexual reproductive health and family planning. This has enabled women aIMGP5070nd girls to seek and access family planning commodities at the nearest heath facilities. During this world contraceptive month, the peer educators have tagged a campaign to give greater consideration to family planning needs of the women and girls.

The project has enabled 3,000 women and girls access family planning information and materials. This has enabled them know the economic implications of having a large family, the benefits of birth spacing, which has also increased on their need to use contraceptives.

The WOGE project has enabled women and girls assume greater roles in income generation. Through this the women have been empowered to make informed decisions about their life choices.

Jerome believes that women and girls now make informed choices and can plan for their families, use of Family Planing has enabled joint planning among couples.

“They now embrace family planning”

By Olowo Jerome Geno
Project Officer-Women and Girls Empowerment Project

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