world contraception day 2014This Friday – September 26th – DSW along with the rest of the international community will celebrate World Contraception Day 2014. This annual worldwide campaign centers around a vision for a world where every pregnancy is wanted. DSW is a proud partner for World Contraception Day 2014, and this year we are paying particular attention to our hugely successful project GeNext Uganda: “My Life, My Future!”. 

Each day this week as we head towards World Contraception Day 2014 on Friday, we celebrate a story from one of our youth champions! Today is the turn of Wandera.

Wandera - World Contraception Day 2014I am Wandera O. Simon, a clinical officer at Busia Health Centre IV. I also volunteer at FOC-REV Health Centre III in Lumino Sub County.

As a trained health worker in youth friendly services I recommend that: a youth corner should be established around each health centre, and school outreaches on adolescent sexual and reproductive health should be introduced to all Lumino communities. It’s important to work with GeNext youth Champions and peer educators through their clubs both within and outside schools, they are great role models who talk to their peers, mobilise and sensitise them on family planning. I have devoted my time to help youth access youth friendly services, thanks to the training I received with DSW’s support.

“I have devoted my time to help youth access youth friendly sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and family flanning (FP) services.”

The reproductive health needs of youth in Lumino communities in Busia are overwhelming. Lumino Sub County in Busia District links Uganda to Kenya. It has the highest altitudes noticed at Nebolola hills. It is a vibrant community with busy trading centre characterized with many Boda Boda cyclists and it is next to a landing site.

In Lumino there are high rates of early pregnancy and abortion among girls and married women aged between 16-20 years and 25-28 years. I provide information and services to youth and talk to them about family planning options to avoid unintended pregnancies.

The negative attitude of boys and men towards family planning remains one of the biggest challenges in Lumino, and is one of the biggest contributors to high pregnancies and arbotions among girls. The community of youth needs knowledge about family planning. The GeNext youth champions in Lumino have done a great job and if only more could be trained to do the same, more peers within Busia could be reached.

Wandera O. Simon

A health service provider, I champion access to youth-friendly health services and family planning for youth.

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