
Over the past twenty years, DSW has been striving for a world where girls are treated equally, where women have access to modern contraceptives and can decide freely when and how many children they want to have, an end to poverty-related diseases, and a world where young people everywhere can achieve their full potential.

This latest edition of DSW’s Annual Report highlights how we are turning these ambitions into a reality.

Download the Report now!

Fighting Fistula

AR coverFor instance, with our ‘Fight Fistula’ project in Ethiopia, we have increased awareness among 20,000 girls and over 900 health care workers, resulting in a higher number of successful treatments. With our focus on youth in development, DSW has succeeded in reaching 640,000 young people with sexual and reproductive health and rights information, services, and supplies. This is an incredible number and I am certain that we will be able to build on this and reach out to many more young people in the coming years.

 DSW’s strong international impact

Across Europe, DSW is also having a strong impact. In Germany, we have been working hard to ensure the German Government remains committed to GAVI and the Global Fund, and at the EU level, we continue to advocate the importance of increased investment for Global Health R&D. With development taking centre stage in 2015, especially around key dates such as, the European Year of Development, the adoption of the Post-2015 Agenda, GAVI replenishment, and the G7 Summit in Germany, we will ensure that our issues are heard and remain a priority into the future.

I am confident that DSW will continue to make huge strides in these areas. Thank you all for your incredible support. With your continued cooperation, we will continue to see improvements in the lives of millions of people worldwide.

Download the Report today!

Kind regards,


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