Pop Day Trophy July 2014 006The Population Directorate at the Ministry of Finance & Economic Development (MoFED) which has now been restructured under ’Plan Commission’ has praised DSW for its consistent and tremendous contribution to the national population program on population day that took event on July 30th, 2014. The population day is an annual event normally held on July 11th, the first time, however, this year it was pushed to mark the occasion toward the end of July.

DSW was one among seven other non-governmental organizations, government institutions and individuals to receive awards in the form of trophy for contributions have been made toward the population program in Ethiopia. Leading up to this day, DSW under the auspices of MoFED has been able to stay proactive in the task force that also includes members such as United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA). ‘Investing in Young People’ was this year’s theme to platform the population day. Given DSW’s peculiar experience in various youth programs, it took DSW’s up front to share its good practices among the stakeholders in attendance during the event. The other key points upon which the population day devoted to discuss and share experiences were about ‘Inter-generational Dialogue and Girls’ Education’.

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