Today, we celebrate the International Day of Education, highlighting the role of education as a public good that is central to humanity’s well-being and sustainable development.

In sub-Saharan Africa, less than 40% of girls complete lower secondary school. Their right to education is being violated, and this lack of education will affect all aspects of their lives. For women and young girls, a higher level of education has shown to lead to improved SRH outcomes, including lower rates of STIs and HIV infection, delayed age of marriage and childbearing, fewer unintended pregnancies, safer births, and reduced risk of partner violence.

We need quality education and opportunities for all in order to achieve gender equality and put an end to the cycle of poverty that limits the lives of millions of children, youth and adults all over the world.

Realising the potential of the largest youth generation in history will lead to a more equitable world. For these reasons, sustainable Development Goal 4, on education, must be achieved. This goal aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

The fight against gender-based violence, harmful practices such as child marriage and FGM, and HIV and AIDS – three of the four core rights areas of the Right By Her campaign – starts with education.

On this Education Day, where do you stand? The answer is easy. Stand #RightByHer.


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