Youth champions representing different youth networks convened in October 23 to share experiences on implementing youth led  SRH initiatives. The DSW Tanzania annual national youth exchange forum had youth leaders   share experiences, lessons learnt and charting their youth health agenda. Organized and moderated by the youth, it also witnessed a capacity building session facilitated by a representative from the Ministry of Health from the Reproductive Health unit.

Capacity building session on SRH and youth

The youth testimonials evidenced more youth involvement in community planning and budgeting processes special time allocation for youth to attend health services, youth being engaged as health committee members and youth being engaged in technical working groups. The youth commended Ministry efforts in increasing the coverage for youth friendly services to sixty three percent countrywide and increase of health budget. The youth called for more investment in Reproductive Health to reduce teenage pregnancies and maternal and new born mortality

Panel Discussion at the Forum

The youth champions have played a significant role in the communities to mobilize young people access SRH information and services for their health and development.

Youth Presentation at the Forum

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