DSW Tanzania through the  Supporting Initiative for Youth Empowerment in Tanzania (SIYET)  project continues its quest to reach more young people on life skills and Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) knowledge  through sports events. These events are organized by youth club members and peer educators in project sites  that aim to increase knowledge on SRH and HIV/AIDS, linkages with service providers and healthy lifestyle. With DSW Youth empowerment approaches,  girl peer educators have been leading these events, and through these avenues more girls now attend life skills peer sessions that takes place during the event.


Girls in action during a football match

Girls football

Over 5100 young people will be reached by end of 2020 through the initiative. Youth Club members recently conducted an outreach event in Dar es Salaam where one of the girl peer educators called Oliver Makili said: “We now have more girls attending the sessions when they realized they can meet other girls who are from the youth clubs trained by DSW and can share with them knowledge in an informal setting. We now also have a girl football team and its fun when we meet regularly and plan together ”.

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