Interview with ​Evaline Kibuchi, of Stop TB Kenya and the Global TB Caucus

You’re listening to episode 4 of “African Research Excellence – DSW in conversation” – where each week Eoghan Walsh and Agustin Martin of DSW interview outstanding African researchers and advocates in the field of global health research, to learn more about their work and their views on the needs and opportunities to advance GH R&I in Africa.

2020 is set to be a big year for EU-Africa relations, and for global health – even before the Covid-19 emergency. Organisations like Stop TB Kenya are at the forefront of fighting agains the spread of tuberculosis in East Africa, and a leading voice in advocating towards their national government – and international donors – to keep up the momentum in the fight to eradicate TB by 2030.

So we’re delighted to have on as a guest on this week’s episode Evaline Kibuchi, of Stop TB Kenya and the Global TB CaucusIn a wide-ranging and fascinating interview, we talked with Ms. Kibuchi about:

  • How she came to advocate for people living with – and dying from – tuberculosis in 2007, and how much has changed in the intervening years
  • What other regions can learn from the work being done on TB in Kenya, and on the need to prioritise research in funding and policy agendas
  • How important political goodwill is in making progress against diseases like TB – as we can see with the response to Covid-19

Thanks to Evaline for his time and his insight. You can find out more about DSW and the podcast at our website,, and if you haven’t already please subscribe on your favourite podcast player! This podcast was edited by Jonathan Rowe, and the artwork was designed by Alissa Thaler.

Until next time.

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