DSW through the Supporting Initiatives for Youth Empowerment in Tanzania(SIYET) Project has continued implementation of strengthening linkages for youth to access health services in the project sites of Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Dar es salaam. The project strengthens the capacities of sixteen health service providers to improve their knowledge and skills for provision of youth friendly services. Recently, the health service providers were given orientation on Adolescent Friendly Reproductive Health Services so as  to strengthen their abilities of services to respond to adolescents more effectively and with greater sensitivity.

Orientation session

During the orientation, sessions included characteristics of adolescents, appropriate approaches to address adolescent needs,  dissemination of national policies, guidelines and standards on Adolescent Reproductive Health  and sessions on  how to  render community health  services due to COVID 19 pandemic were also conducted for guidance to the health service providers.

The training of health service providers will help to improve access of services to youth. Through the project youth clubs and youth empowerment centres DSW Peer educators will link young people to the health facilities and other service delivery points to ensure access to quality health services.


Presentation of IEC materials and reference documents

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