Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and a half of its potential. But, to this day, less than 30 percent of researchers worldwide are women. Gender stereotypes and long-standing biases are steering girls and women away from science-related fields. In order to achieve full access to science for women and girls, and achieve gender equality – women in science must be better represented and celebrated. On International Day of Women and Girls in Science, let’s change the narrative. Today we highlight three women in science who are leading innovation in global health research and care; changing and saving lives! 

Dr. Joannie Marlene Bewa

Joannie is a medical doctor and activist. Her focus is on maternal health, family planning, HIV and youth sexual and reproductive health. Joannie featured in ONE’s Yours in Power series – writing a letter to her younger self about all that she has achieved. Watch this video to learn more about her journey. 

Story originally shared by ONE.


Fiona Walugembe

Based in Kampala, Fiona Walugembe is a Project Director at the PATH office in Uganda. In her role, she has been collaborating closely with the Ministry of Health and partners to introduce Sayana® Press (subcutaneous DMPA-SC) – an innovative injectable contraceptive that can dramatically expand access and choice for women – into Uganda’s health system. Recently, Fiona led the implementation of self-injection programs in seven districts through which more than 7,000 women became self-injection clients. Largely due to the success of this initiative, the Ministry of Health is now working toward national scale-up in family planning services to reach more women. This rollout—alongside and linked with other key family planning initiatives—will help accelerate progress toward Uganda’s commitment to increasing access to all methods of family planning and reducing unmet need for family planning from 28% to 10% by 2022. Read more about her work here.

Story originally shared by PATH.


Dr. Angela Loyse

Dr. Angela Loyse is a medical doctor, researcher, and advocate. She always had an interest in research, particularly on infectious diseases. She has been part of many projects that have focused on evaluating new and existing diagnostics within resource-limited settings, including for tuberculosis and cryptococcosis – a leading cause of HIV-related deaths. Advancing treatments for infectious diseases presents an opportunity to accelerate progress in their eradication, and prevent millions of people from suffering. Learn more about her career as a Clinical Researcher here

Interview originally shared by St George’s University


One of the actions that countries pledged to achieve when they signed up to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 was to ‘build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation’. We will not achieve this goal, or many others outlined in the SDGs if half the population’s potential is suppressed instead of supported. 

Time to take action! In the run-up to International Women’s Day on March 8, DSW, together with PATH and GHTC we will be elevating the stories of women innovators for global health and raising awareness of the great work they’re doing to advance health equity around the world. 

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