Happy New Year from all of us at DSW! 2019 was a momentous year, and not just because it marked the end of a decade. From the European Parliament elections in May to the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 in November, which commemorated the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), there is much to be proud of as we move into the 2020s. To look back at last year, at the achievements earned and steps taken, we turn to social media. What platform would provide a better way to get a sense of 2019 than Twitter, where each event is neatly distilled down to 240 characters or less?

Check out our ten most popular tweets of 2019 below.

1. We discussed women’s rights at the panel discussion ‘Celebrating African Women: A discussion on women’s rights in Africa-EU relations’ on March 27:

2. At the panel, Rodah spoke passionately about the experience of young women in her community in West Pokot, Kenya:

3. A new generation of HIV vaccines is in the clinical trial stage, taking us one step closer to eradicating the virus:

4. At the European Development Days conference on June 16-19, we explained how SRHR, the #RightByHer campaign and the Maputo Protocol are inextricably linked:

5. We said congratulations to all newly inducted MEPs in the European Parliament as they took their seats in July:

6. We held a competition on the #RightByHer Instagram (@rightbyher), asking people to post about why gender equality is important to them:

7. We look forward to the European Parliament’s advocacy for women and gender equality:

8. During EU Girls Week, DSW Youth Champions Abu, Mercy, Peace and Habiba visited us in Brussels:

9. At the Nairobi Summit, we discussed the need for achieving zero unmet need for SRHR:

10. Our Executive Director Renate Bähr marches for the 214 million women who need access to modern contraceptives at the Nairobi Summit:

Follow the progress of the #RightByHer campaign on the website and on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We are hopeful that 2020 will make good on the promises made in 2019 by continuing to work towards achieving zero unmet need for SRHR and by empowering the largest youth generation in history. We look forward to taking those steps with you!


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