Pauline Chebusera from the series ‘DSW in West Pokot’. © BRIAN OTIENO/ DSW

My name is Andrew Wachelon and I am passionate about information. The power of information.

I have seen the impact empowering young people with information has had on my community in West Pokot, Kenya. I have and continue to advocate for young people to be equipped with information that informs their participation in society. I advocate for young people and adolescents to be informed about issues relating to sexual and reproductive health and rights because I believe decisions made based on accurate information result in positive and sustainable development.

As a result of the capacity building extended to organisations led by young people in our region, we have seen a strengthening in the advocacy efforts towards our governments on issues relating to sexual and reproductive health and rights. The partnership between youth-led grassroots organisations that have been calling with one voice for the establishment of youth-friendly corners in hospitals and clinics has resulted thus far in four health facilities introducing such services in our county.

I sit in the West Pokot County Budget and Economic Forum, as a representative of young people. This is the highest advisory body for the Governor on issues relating to the economy and public participation in the budget-making process. Via this platform, I push for youth-friendly policies and facilitate the dissemination – and it has been amazing to see more young people engage with, inform and shape policy progression in the county.

Health has become less of a priority for major funders as Kenya’s economic growth has risen. Despite this, we see an increasing inequality in access to health services, education, and economic opportunities. Teenage pregnancy, for example, continues to be high in our county. In order to leave no one behind, we must ensure that everyone is able to know and practice their rights. Supporting the number of young people that are informed about their sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as being empowered to become active citizens are equally important in them realizing their full potential!

Young people are stepping up and taking up their space in this discussion, especially young men. Their passion and drive to create change are growing, and information is key to unlocking their full potential. If we fail to support young people now – we will not achieve the goals of the ICPD25 programme of action.

Andrew Wachelon during a youth empowerment event he organised. 


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