DSW supported youth from Nairobi, Kenya marked this year’s International Youth Day in a colorful event on 9th August, at Githurai Youth Empowerment Centre.

The event was attended by over 1,500 people. Among those in attendance was Mrs. Emily Maina (a representative of the Principal Secretary, Public Service and Youth Dr Francis Owino), area Member of County Assembly Hon. Naphtali Mathenge, Nairobi County Sexual and Gender Based Violence Programme Coordinator, Roselyn Mkabana, ‘Punguza’ CEO Davidson Ngibuini (DNG), Assistant Area Chief, George Muga and DSW Kenya’s Country Director Ms. Evelyn Samba.

International Youth Day 2019

This year’s International Youth Day theme, “Transforming Education”,  was adopted to “highlight efforts to make education more relevant, equitable and inclusive for all youth, including efforts by youth themselves. Rooted in Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”.

In her remarks on behalf of the Principal Secretary, Mrs. Emily Maina spoke about the interventions that the the Ministry of Public Service,Youth and Gender Affairs is implementing to ensure that policies are in line with the needs of the youth and the youth are more engaged in the development process.

DSW Kenya’s Country Director Evelyn Samba also spoke at the event,  asserting the importance of sex and reproductive health education in enabling the youth to enjoy their right to education.

Mr. and Miss. Y2Y Nairobi

The highlight of the event was the annual Nairobi Youth 2 Youth (Y2Y) beauty pageant. The pageant is held to identify a male and a female sexual and reproductive health champion.

Steffie Kaskazi Bua was crowned Miss Y2Y Nairobi 2019, while Jeff Eric Macharia was crowned Mr. Y2Y Nairobi 2019. The two, will champion the c of responsible sexual behavior and family planning among the youth in Nairobi.

Access to sexual and reproductive health services

Alongside the event, Nairobi County Department of Health Services provided Sexual Reproductive Health services including family planning services, cervical and breast cancer screening, HIV testing, as well as immunisation of children.

Service delivery at the International Youth Day event in Nairobi PHOTO | DSW

Service delivery at the International Youth Day event in Nairobi

DSW’s work with the youth

DSW works in 16 counties in Kenya in partnership with young people, their communities, government as well as our partners and donors to empower young people to advocate for more and better funds for family planning to educate the youth, create awareness, and to support the provision of reproductive health services.

Words: Anne Wagacha

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