2018 marked an important milestone for our work in Kenya. It was the first year of delivering our 2018 – 2022 strategic plan.

In 2018, our budget advocacy work scored some important goals. In our bid to secure more and better domestic family planning funds, we supported seven county governments in Kenya to develop Family planning Costed Implementation Plans. We see this as a demonstration of the willingness of county governments to commit domestic funds to family planning.

Our innovative programming has once again shown that investing in knowledge building and information sharing on sexual reproductive health for young people is the surest pathway to the empowerment of young people.

We went a step further and invested in the leadership of young people in advocacy. Today, through our support, hundreds of young people are participating in important decision-making spaces and leading the change they want for themselves and their communities in Kenya.

Our Young Adolescent Project (YAP) model delivered interesting results. More adolescent girls in Kilifi County are empowered. With support from their parents, teachers and their communities, they are staying in school, they are supporting their peers to navigate the challenges of growing up, and taking leadership roles too. We have confirmed that access to information on sexual reproductive health by young people makes a difference.

As we present highlights of our work in 2018, we reaffirm our commitment to working with young people, their communities as well as our partners and donors in Kenya to empower the youth to be healthy, earn a decent living, participate in decision-making spaces, and exercise their rights free from coercion, discrimination, and violence.

Click this link to access the report. 

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