Every year we celebrate the International Dialogue on Population and Sustainable Development together with GIZ and amazing partners from all over the world. But this year, we had a premiere: our first international photo exhibition. The photo series Women of Kibera was developed by Brian Otieno in the context of our multi-partner campaign #RightByHer. Meet strong girls and women from age 4 to 76 and read how they fight for a more equal world.

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Project and artist: the photo project Women of Kibera was developed in the course of the EU-funded State of African Women Project and its communications campaign #RightByHer. The #RightByHer Campaign works with African artists, bloggers and photographers to raise awareness, stimulate conversation, and challenge social norms around women’s rights. The exhibition has been organised by Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW) and GIZ.

Brian Otieno, born 1993, is a photojournalist and graduate of Journalism and Public Relations. He was raised in Kibera, one of the biggest and most vibrant slums in Africa. Brian’s passion and commitment lie in capturing the visual realities and documenting the norm of everyday life from the people around him, and sharing their stories. By doing so, Brian tries to visualize the diversity, dynamics, and inequality of urban life.


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