Kenya: Youth in Nairobi hold community convention to mark International Youth Day 2018

Kenya: Youth in Nairobi hold community convention to mark International Youth Day 2018

DSW supported youth in Nairobi held a community convention to mark International Youth Day 2018 on Friday, August 10th.

The convention, held at the Githurai Youth Empowerment Centre, was attended by over 1,000 people, majority of them being the youth.

In attendance during the convention was the Directorate of youth and gender affairs representative, Ms. Alice Nyabuti, Nairobi County Reproductive Health Coordinator Ms. Esther Kiambati, the County Youth Department Directorate, Mr. Ngare, One Stop Center Coordinator, Mr. Wainaina as well as DSW’s Kenya County Director Ms. Evelyn Samba.

Speaking at the event, area Ward Representative Hon. Naftaly Mathenge, said that the hope of the world rest on young people therefore he shall work tirelessly to provide a conducive environment for young people to do business.

Mr and Miss Y2Y
Lucy Wairimu, 21 the newly crowned Miss Y2Y Nairobi 2018 and Michael John, 19, Mr. Y2Y Nairobi 2018

Lucy Wairimu, 21 the newly crowned Miss Y2Y Nairobi 2018 and Michael John, 19 Mr. Y2Y Nairobi 2018

The highlight of the event was the Mr. and Miss. Y2Y pageant which saw Lucy Wairimu, 21 crowned Miss Y2Y Nairobi 2018, while Michael John, 19  was crowned Mr. Y2Y Nairobi 2018.

Access to sexual and reproductive health services

During convention, DSW partnered with Bayer pharmaceuticals, NHIF, AJIRA and JPHIEGO to provide sexual and reproductive health services for young people. The services included HIV testing services (HTS), cervical cancer screening, family planning services alongside peer learning sessions and exhibition spaces.

282 young people accessed HIV testing services, 2,197 condoms distributed and more than 1,000 people reached with information.

International Youth Day 2018

The International Youth Day is an awareness day designated by the United Nations. The purpose of the day is to draw attention to a given set of cultural and legal issues surrounding youth. The theme for International Youth Day 2018 is “Safe Spaces for Youth”

DSW’s Youth Officer Samuel Gathondu said that the community convention was held to celebrate an important safe space for young people to come together, share experiences about their work as well as educate themselves on sexual reproductive health matters and encourage one another to access sexual reproductive health information.

DSW’s work with the youth

DSW runs the Youth-to-Youth Initiative. We work in 16 counties in Kenya in partnership with young people, their communities, government as well as our partners and donors to empower young people to be healthy, earn a decent living, participate in decision-making spaces, and to exercise their rights free from coercion, discrimination, and violence.

Story by Penina Owiti

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