DSW Tanzania Country Director, Mr. Peter Owaga makes an opening remarks during official opening of the Summit

DSW Tanzania was greatly honored to be invited as a leading youth organization to participate in 2017 East Africa Youth Leadership Summit. The summit was held from November 27 – December 01, 2017 in Arusha, Tanzania.

DSW Tanzania took an active role during the one week 2017 YouLead Summit. The summit  was organized by MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation (MS-TCDC) and East African Community (E.A.C.). DSW was among the partners that co-host the summit. Other partners included German Cooperation, GIZ and Mobisol.

The summit involved more than 200 youths from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Ethiopia and South Sudan.  The theme of the summit was Unlocking Youth Potential: Youth at the Centre of the East African Integration”

The DSW Tanzania Country Director, Mr. Peter Owaga, was among the keynote speakers during the summit opening ceremony in November 27, 2017 at MS-TCDC. Mr. Owaga explained the importance of collective efforts in investing in youth especially in education, health, family planning and job creation. He informed summit delegates the works that DSW had been doing in empowering the youth in the country for healthy and self-determined lives. He mentioned different approaches used by DSW in empowering youth such as capacity development; advocacy and service delivery. He said DSW vision is “for a healthy and sustainable world in which all young people can realize their full potential.”

DSW Staff and Youth Champions from Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia posed in a group photo after held a SRHR Seminar during the Summit


During the summit DSW Staff and Youth Champions from Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia were at forefront in advocating and championing of Sexual Reproductive Health issues. The team spearheaded different seminars and panel discussions on Health Advocacy, The importance of investing in Youth Reproductive Health; Youth Empowerment Centre (YEC) as an alternative Service Delivery Points and The Role of Youth as Champions for Family Planning.

The East Africa Youth delegates were assigned to take an active role in identifying regional opportunities; and participate in advocacy process to influence decision makers in Health Advocacy especially the importance of allocating budget on SRHR and family planning issues.


The DSW Youth Champions from Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia also shared their experiences on how DSW   empowered them in becoming advocates and leaders in their communities. Musa Eliya from Arusha, Tanzania says  being a DSW Youth Champion has enabled him to benefit from different opportunities; such as participating in reviewing 2007 National Youth Development Policy.  He also  gained respect from the Government leaders and the community.   Seif Mpeleka from Mtwara Tanzania said being a DSW Youth Champion has enabled him to become a Chairperson of one of the Health Community Initiative. Mpeleka  influenced  the District Medical Officer to enroll a nurse who will provide the Youth Family Planning Services.

DSW Tanzania Communications Coordinator, Ms. Philomena Marijani briefs the Journalists about DSW participation in the Youth Summit

The summit ended by forming Arusha Youth Declaration 2017 that will  be addressed to East African Community (EAC) Leadership  and each of the member states. DSW contributed to one of the declaration on;  investing in Youth Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and  budget allocation in Family planning. Other declarations proposed were: establishment of East African Youth Council; Advocacy on having East African Youth Day ;and partnership with  East African Community (EAC) in designing and implementing  a Leadership Training Programme.



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