Kenya: DSW’s advocacy lead in Kenya named a #120under40 2017 winner

Using sports to offer alternative outreach mechanism for Youth friendly family planning information and services

Peter Ngure, DSW’s advocacy lead in Kenya, is a 120 under 40 2017 winner for his contribution to the advancement of family planning in Kenya.

Over the last three years, Peter has led the DSW advocacy team in Kenya to support county governments in ensure that they prioritize and fund family planning services.

“Making family planning cool for the youth is critical so that we have safe spaces for young people to acquire information and also have open dialogue with health workers on Family planning. I will use the resources to support 4 youth champions in Laikipia to ensure that they advocate to the county as well as have peer learning on Family planning. I would spend half of it to support/equip a youth friendly center to ensure youth have a safe space offering them services and information.,” Peter said when asked about what he will do with his prize money

For more information, visit Peter’s 120 Under 40 page 

120 Under 40 celebrates young champions of family planning. The project launched on September 26, 2015, World Contraception Day, is an annual event that focuses international attention on enabling young people to make informed decisions about family planning and reproductive health

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