In addition to my recent blog about FP2020, I wanted to share with you a short video message from Melinda Gates, Co-Chair and Trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Here she encourages partners to examine the data and evidence from their programmes as they consider how best to channel their efforts and accelerate progress toward the FP2020 goal.

The Foundation will make an additional investment of $120 million over three years, which is a 25 percent increase of its financial commitment.  This will be for three areas:

– Advocacy – to make a consistent case for budgets, policies and programmes and to keep family planning firmly on the agenda;

– Investment to improve the quality of services and the range contraceptive options that women receive, especially in the private sector;

– Expansion of proven urban health initiatives in Africa and Asia. Reaching youth is an essential part of this work.

Keep tuned for more updates! Also check out the FP2020 site for more information.

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