Photo of the Week - fb 11 SeptWe have been delighted so far by the level and quality of responses to our #BeTheChange2015 instagram and online competition! Since the launch in August, we have received over 300 excellent photos from all over the world – showcasing positive change in areas such as education, child and maternal health, and environmental protection. We are really thrilled by what we have seen!

#BeTheChange2015 – photo of the week

This week’s photo comes from Uganda, highlighting why making sure girls can access education and higher learning is so crucial for our development as a society.

For more, here is what @ADDOMEx had to say:

I feel so blessed that I get to be a part of @addomex. The money provided by a massive grant from BP after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill has contributed not only to the largest scientific database on oil spills today, but also to scientific outreach and education across the US and even abroad. The young man in this pic is a boy scout whose troop visited #tamug labs to learn about the oil spill amd its impact on microbial communities in the #gulfofmexico. These boys were polite, motivated, and they asked great questions! I think we met a few future scientists in this group; I hope we sparked an interest in marine science in this great group of kids!

We will continue to post our favourite photos as they come in each week, and select one picture each week as the “best of the bunch”. The competition will continue to run until Septemebr 23rd so you have plenty of time to get your potentially winning entry in!Competition - twitter post12

#BeTheChange2015 – how to win

Photos can be submitted using one of three methods:

– Instagram (direct): click onto DSW’s new Instagram account and upload a photo with the hashtag #BeTheChange2015

– Tag us on Twitter with the competition hashtag #BeTheChange2015

– Facebook: We have a special Facebook app! Click on the link and upload there.

– Competition website: Click on and upload there using competition hashtag #BeTheChange2015

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