
I am delighted to announce that today sees the launch of DSW’s Annual Report for the period 2014/15. 

For close to 25 years now, we have been striving continuously for a better world where girls are treated equally, where women have access to modern contraceptives and can decide freely when and how many children they want to have, an end to poverty-related diseases, and a world where young people everywhere can maximise their full potential.

AR coverThis latest edition of our Annual Report highlights how we are succeeding in turning these ambitions into a reality.

An example of this success can be found for instance in our “Fit for Life” project. This project has helped improve the health and livelihoods of tens of thousands of women and young people in East Africa. Since the project was initiated, we have trained over 8,900 youth and women in health, leadership, and market-based skills. With over 100,000 people reached with health awareness campaigns, beneficiaries have reported being able to now make informed reproductive health decisions with close to 50 per cent using contraceptives on a regular basis and over 33 per cent going for regular HIV testing, thus helping to stem the flow of HIV infections and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Our results are not just limited to Africa. In Germany and the EU, our advocacy and communication initiatives have called on governments in times of need to contribute their fair share as witnessed during the previous Gavi replenishment conference in Germany. By using innovative and impactful approaches such as our “Let’s Save Lives” campaign, we have been instrumental in ensuring that the EU supports the urgent need for increased investment in global health research and development.

There is still much to do but with your continued support, I am certain we will succeed in empowering women and young people everywhere to achieve their full potential. This is crucial not only for them, but for their communities, and our future generations to come.

DSW – Empowering People for a Healthy Future!

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