
KENYA: The European Union in conjunction with Mombasa County Government today launched a Ksh. 335million (2.94 Million Euros) three year integrated healthcare programme that will benefit over 47,000 women, children and men from informal settlements of Bangladesh, Maweni, Moroto and Machafukoni. The initiative will be jointly implemented by Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung (DSW), Women and Health Alliance International (WAHA) and the Danish Red Cross (DRC). It is aimed at raising the nutritional status of women and children, improving the uptake of family planning and improving the delivery of healthcare systems in the County’s slums.

Among the key programme activities, are building capacity of county health workers and improving community and health facility interactions by strengthening referral mechanisms through use of technology.

“The health of mothers and new born children is at the heart of the European Union and we are doing our bit in complimenting the government’s efforts in meeting the targets to reduce child mortality rates and improve maternal health”, said the Head of Social Affairs and Environment Section, EU, Dr. Hjordis Ogendo, during the event.

The EU is currently supporting 21 health projects in counties countrywide at a total value of Ksh. 2 billion. In addition, the EU is funding six projects targeting the informal settlements in Mombasa, Nairobi and Kisumu at a cost of Ksh. 550 million.

Today, between 6,000 and 8,000 pregnant women die every year in Kenya which is between 18-20 mothers every day! The death of these women could have been avoided and we need to put all our efforts to prevent these deaths added Hjordis Ogendo.

Speaking at the launch, Mombasa County Governor, Hon. Ali Hassan Joho said that this initiative is in line with the county’s vision of building a progressive, responsive and sustainable health care system for accelerated attainment of the highest standard of health to all.

“This drive will increase chances of survival for mothers and children hence reverse the high trends of maternal and morbidity and mortality in the county”, added Hon. Joho.

Kenya has an under five mortality rate of 52/1,000.

1Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho conratulates Dr. Hjordis Ogendo of the EU during the launch of the Ksh. 335M reproductive health programme in MombasaCommeemorative plaque unveiled during the launch

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