Dr.Elizabeth Mapella,National Adolescent Reproductive Health Coordinator,Ministry of Health and Social Welfare(MoH&SW) presenting at the launch of FP2020.
Dr.Elizabeth Mapella,National Adolescent Reproductive Health Coordinator,Ministry of Health and Social Welfare(MoH&SW) presenting at the launch of FP2020.

DSW in collaboration with the  Ministry of Health and Social Welfare(MoH&SW) has launched the Family Planning(FP)2020 project in Shinyanga District. The three months project is funded by the United Nations Foundation through its Rapid Response Mechanism(RRM) that will accelerate uptake of contraceptives methods for improvement of sexual and reproductive health status of young women and women in Shinyanga region.

In her official remarks , the National Adolescents Reproductive Health Coordinator Dr. Elizabeth Mapella from the MoH&SW said that the government of Tanzania has prioritized reproductive health and family planning services to youth and women as one of the best investment to ensuring health improvement of women, girls and newborns.” …access to reproductive health information, counseling and advice on contraceptives methods to youth and women has remarkable socioeconomic benefits for the family and the nation ” said Dr Mapella.

Youth focus group discussion.
Youth focus group discussion.

Speaking at the project launch Mr. Peter Owaga, DSW Tanzania Country Director said that the FP 2020 initiative will foster access to family planning services to youth and women in Shinyanga District.By  enhancing  service provider’s competency in provision of Youth Friendly Services including Family Planning(FP),improving  public sensitization campaigns on the advantages of FP and strengthened capacity of CSOs technical staff on the FP advocacy and programming the innitiative will influence FP services.He also added that DSW  was very  grateful for the FP 2020 RRM  support that will greatly contribute to FP initiatives in Tanzania.

Following the official launch of the project, stakeholders in groups were also able to discuss and draw some recommendations to be considered during implementing of the FP2020 project at the community level to accelerate the utilization of family planning methods.The launch was attended by  representatives from  Council Management Team(CMT), Council Health Management Team(CHMT), Health Facilities Service Providers, Community Leaders , youth  and other stakeholders.

As a build up to the launch, DSW also conducted mapping exercise and consultation within the sites the project is implemented.


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