Diana Tibesigwa -Research Officer

Diana Tibesigwa -Research Officer

DSW under the Civil society Budget Advocacy Group, presented a position paper on health on the Budget Frame work paper 2015/16 and the Ministerial policy statement on health 2015/16.

This is one of the platforms were DSW Uganda advocates, and communicates issues on reproductive health at national level.
According to the 2015/2016 budget framework paper, government proposes to reduce the health sector budget from 1.2trillions (9%) to 963.7b (7%). , Diana Tibesigwa who presented their petition yesterday to the parliament health committee urging MPs to use their constitutional appropriation powers for a people-centered budget which prioritizes the lives of Ugandans.

The position paper highlighted the lack of increased commitment by government to fund the health development budget meaning that health centres and hospitals in dire need of new wards, medical equipment and sanitation facilities might need to wait. Some districts still need new health centres.”
“For a country which still needs more hospitals, health centres and appropriate medical equipment, a budget like this one is not strategically set to serve the citizens. We fear that our people will have to die of avoidable causes,” Tibesigwa lamented.

The paper highlighted that the budget for the National Medical Stores has not been increased from the sh218.6b allocated to it last year yet the population and the commodity prices have increased. And the reduction in the Local Governments’ health allocation by 4.5b yet these are at the forefront of serve delivery. Having their budgets cut implies that the services at the local level will greatly suffer,” Tibesigwa said.

This featured in one of the local media papers, below  is the link;



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