Women during the March past at IWD 2015 in TororoThe 2015 Global Theme for International Women’s Day was “Equality for Women is Progress for All” while the theme selected for the National celebrations this year was “Empowerment of Women and Girls is Progress for All: Three Decades of Gains for Ugandan Women and girls”.

This theme was selected to demonstrate that the empowerment of women and girls, much as it is a human right, benefits everyone in the families and society at large. The theme enables State and non State actors to show case their best practices in facilitating the empowerment of women and girls in the last three decades.

The Hon Sarah Achieng Opendi (R) -Minister for Primary Health care( MP) appreciates the women's exibited items Tororo CelebrationsDSW participated in this year’s celebrations; the women and girls matched, participated in the bicycle race and displayed their products

DSW supports women and girls empowerment; Kaako Women and Girls Group; A role model for young girls who have dropped out of school

Prior to the intervention of DSW Uganda Kaako womens group comprised of only elder women, however with the intervention of the Women and Girls Empowerment Project (WOGE), the group was advised to bring on board girls and young women. In the past 2 years, as a group they have been able to create a model demonstration place using one of the group member’s Home. Ms. Kinosa Monica with the support from her husband told us that “as a group we now have a talking compound, we grow different vegetables, rare animals, make crafts (mats, baskets, SONY DSCbag & necklace) and our home is a model center in the village”

The group has been able to mentor and nurture young girls, through WOGE the group has been supported. The group has taught girls and young women in various income generating activities. Last year was the group was given a sewing machine used to make sweaters; they hired an instructor to teach the women and the girls on how to make sweaters. The group was able to bid for tenders from schools to supply sweaters and due to the high demand from the schools in the community and in order to meet the client’s needs, the group decided to buy a second machine. The group has become a small entrepreneurship school and has enticed young girls who have dropped out of schools.Race for life bicycle race (IWD 2015)

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