GIZ through Tanzania German Programme to Support Health (TGPSH) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoH&SW) organized Soko la Afya (Health Market) event in Dar Es Salaam on the 2nd October 2014. The objective of the event was to display GIZ and partners work in the health sector in an interactive and innovative way to Government, decision makers, development partners and other key stakeholders.Technical support for the event was provided by GIZ and DSW among other partners.

German Ambassador to Tanzania, His excellence,Egon Kochanke  during the official opening of the Soko la Afya.

German Ambassador to Tanzania, His excellence,Egon Kochanke during the official opening of the Soko la Afya.

The event was officially opened by Dr. Donald Mbando, Chief Medical Officer at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, who represented the Permanent Secretary. Key note speakers at the opening were German Ambassador to Tanzania, His excellence,Egon Kochanke and assistant director, Reproductive and Child Division in the ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Dr Neema Rusibamayila.The key message was on strengthening partnerships among health stakeholders, exchange of information, best practices and leveraging resources for adequate and equitable health services by all speakers.

At the event DSW did provide technical support on Youth empowerment and youth friendly services with focus on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).DSW staff and youth representative from Arusha, Mtwara and Lindi Region took part in poster presentation, Question and Answer Session, distribution of IEC Materials, simulation exercise (role play) and plenary discusions.DSW showcased a simulation exercise on comprehensive council health plan (CCHP) entitled: Local health planning: who plans, who decides. This aimed at igniting the plenary discussion on the the role and importance different actors such as CSOs and youth in local planning by bringing in community concerns. The simulation exercise demonstrated the added value community participation can bring for better health services. Three posters on Youth-to-Youth Initiative, Local Planning and Budgeting and Building capacity of Civil Society Organization (CSOs) were presented at the event .The posters reflected on DSW work with youth, in advocacy and capacity building.

Youth a simulation exercise Local health planning: who plans, who decides.

Youth a simulation exercise Local health planning: who plans, who decides.

DSW Poster presentation on Local Planning and Budgeting by Diana Shuma.

DSW Poster presentation on Local Planning and Budgeting by Diana Shuma.

In the event other health related work was exhibited including How Health has developed in Tanzania, Human Resources for Health – Experience Walk, Benefits of Community Health Fund (CHF) enrollment, Relevance of Health Financing, Public Private Cooperation in Health, Neonatal Care, Advantages of Hospital Computerization, Higher productivity with a health y workforce and Role of CSO and youth-in the community and in health.

Issai Seng'enge presenting on CSOs capacity building at the DSW booth.

Issai Seng’enge presenting on CSOs capacity building at the DSW booth.

GIZ, Tanzanian German Programme to Support Health (TGPSH) partners with DSW in the implementation of two interventions in Lindi and Mtwara Regions. One of the interventions focuses on Strengthening Civil Society Organizations for the Promotion of Healthy Life Styles of Young People. The intervention aims at developing the capacity of CSOs to effectively serve young people. The second intervention is called Decentralized Health Governance, which aims at enhancing CSOs involvement in the local health governance and their contribution towards Council Comprehensive Health Plan (CCHP).

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