Hon.Sihaba S.Nkinga, the Permanent Secretary and Mr. James Kajugusi, Director of Youth Development participating at the youth development technical meeting in Tabora.

Beyond the National Youth Week commemoration, the Ministry of Information, Youth, Culture and Sports organized a technical meeting that involved youth officers from across the country. Two organizations were invited to presented issues related to youth. The presentations focused on health and livelihood for youth. As part of its ongoing initiative to increase youth employment, the National Housing Corporation (NHC) has embarked on donating brick making machines to youth groups for all district councils in the country. The machines are part of NHC’s implementation of a five year strategy to reduce the housing problem in the country while simultaneously creating jobs for youth.

Mr. Avit Buchwa from DSW facilitating on CCHP and Post 2015 youth agenda .

Mr. Avit Buchwa from DSW facilitating on CCHP and Post 2015 youth agenda .

DSW presented experience on youth SRHR programming focusing on active engagement of youth officers in the development of CCHP in order to comprehensively articulate youth SRHR issues. To emphasis on the responsibilities of the local government, DSW Tanzania underscored the ICPD and post 2015 agenda as part of the global strategies to respond to population dynamic, FP and SRHR challenges. More than 140 youth officers from different parts of the country benefited from the session. At the meeting, the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Information, Youth, Culture and Sports Hon. Sihaba S. Nkinga applauded DSW Tanzania support for youth programs and ideas for integrating youth officials in the development of Councils’ Comprehensive Health Plans.

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