GeNext World Contraception Day 2014This Friday – September 26th – DSW along with the rest of the international community will celebrate World Contraception Day 2014. This annual worldwide campaign centers around a vision for a world where every pregnancy is wanted. DSW is a proud partner for World Contraception Day 2014, and this year we are paying particular attention to our hugely successful project GeNext Uganda: “My Life, My Future!”. 

Each day this week as we head towards World Contraception Day 2014 on Friday, we celebrate a story from one of our youth champions! Today is the turn of Maureen.

Maureen - World Contraception 2014Addressing myths about family planning among youth requires time, patience and the full knowledge of family planning services in order to address the many questions that my peers have.

As a GeNext youth champion, I interact with young people whose values and beliefs carry a lot of myths about family planning and contraceptive use. Many girls say; “it’s wrong to use contraceptives if you have not given birth yet”. They claim that this information is given to them by trusted family members and peers, inclusive of parents, guardians and in-laws! Such strong beliefs affect attitude change and act as a barrier for youth to make informed sexual and reproductive health choices, such as the proper and consistent use of family planning choices and methods.

“Serving the cause of promoting sexual and reproductive health for youth is worth the struggle!”

But I and my fellow champions are changing all this! Through organised community dialogue with youth, parents, teachers and local leaders. We openly talk about family planning methods and the benefits to youth who seek sexual and reproductive health services. We provide the right information to the community, as a way of building their skills in making better choices in life and gaining acceptance.

In my community Solo “b” village located in Busia Municipality, I now receive more parent who want information and skills to talk to their children; I interact with more youth and provide them with information on family planning and access points for youth friendly services.

I will continue to share information on sexual and reproductive health, family planning and I interact with young people to make informed decisions.

Maureen Kitimbo

I work with Foundation for Christ Ministries (FCM) Busia. I am a trained GeNext youth champion.

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