DSC_0413On 14th June 2014, DSW Tanzania officially closed the Working Together for Decent Work in East Africa Project(AKA Fit for Life, FFL) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania after four years of implementation in Babati District,Manyara Region and Arusha and Meru Districts,Arusha Region. The project has played a critical role of promoting women and youth participation in the aspect of economic and health through support for youth clubs and women groups, provision of holistic trainings, support the initiation of income generating activities (IGAs), strengthening awareness of sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDs and facilitating dialogues with key decision-makers. From initiation to closure, the project has empowered 720 youth and women in both Districts with knowledge, skills, and information to improve their livelihood especially for those in the informal sector.

DSW Tanzania

On the closing day DSW Tanzania organized a Lessons Learned Forum bringing together project beneficiaries, decision makers, development partners, and other stakeholders. The event aimed at disseminating FFL outcomes and best practice. During the event, DSW launched and disseminated a photo booklet publication titled “Fit for Life – Fit for All”, which gives a summary of the project achievements.DSC_0386

In his closing statement, Mr Peter Owaga, Tanzania Country Director, DSW, recommended that the FFL agenda, especially regarding job creation, should be of high priority in the Post-2015 Agenda to help realize development. He added, ‟The robust programming principle, the partnership withstakeholders, the zeal and commitment of the program team and the approaches have managed to transform the lives of the people we serve. We must invest in people through education, skills development and health particularly in women and youth. We must create opportunities for livelihoods and decent working conditions in the informal sector’’.

The successful event was attended by representative from EU, development partners, beneficiaries, district council officials and directors from Ministries of Health and Social Welfare, Gender, Youth, Labour and Employment and Constitutional Affairs.









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