Every week we post interesting, provocative, informative and thought-provoking articles that we at DSW have been reading – from global health, to sexual rights, to ODA and the future of development assistance. Enjoy!


– The UN has this month published its MDG progress report for 2014, highlighting that achieving global targets to reduce maternal and child deaths and increase access to improved sanitation facilities by 2015 is “slipping away”. You can read coverage of the conclusions of the report by The Guardian, SciDev.net and the UN.

– The European Parliament has an increasing role in calling the EU to account over its support for sexual and reproductive health in its development policies. Former MEP from Italy, Pia Locatelli, discusses here what impact the recent elections will have on the Parliament’s position. Read more here.


– Jeffrey Sachs talsk to SciDev and AllAfrica about the sustainable development goals and the role that science will play in whatever makes up the post-2015 framework. Read more here.


– Furthermore, the UN Open Working Group tasked with preparing the draft SDGs has produced a revised “zero draft” of the SGDs. The new draft is available to read here.


– The Seattle Time reports on efforts by the Gates Foundation to tackle malaria in Myanmar, in the face of rising numbers of drug-resistant mosquitoes. Read more here.


If we have missed anything you think we SHOULD be reading, then let us know in the comments below, or via Twitter and Facebook!

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