Every week we post interesting, provocative, informative and thought-provoking articles that we at DSW have been reading – from global health, to sexual rights, to ODA and the future of development assistance. Enjoy!


– Following the publication by the SDG Open Working Group of their ‘zero draft’ on the future of the SDGs last week, there has been much parsing and analysis of their contents. to give you a flavour of where health fits into the draft, check out articles from Population Action, ECDPM, and the African Union’s Common Position on the post-2015 framework.


– While most heads were turned towards post-2015, the World Bank published a policy working paper assessing progress towards the health MDGs, focusing on whether the poor are being left behind. You can read it here.


– The G7 held their first meeting in Brussels last week, and development priorities were high on the list of outcomes (aside from all the talk on Ukraine and Russia). Devex and IPS have good overviews of who said what on poverty-reduction.


Women Deliver drew our attention to the #Commit2Deliver site, which on foot of the WHA activities around Every Newborn, is a platform aimed at showcasing results, accelerate action and ensure accountability among the organisations and actors committed to the Every Woman, Every Child campaign. Read more about it here.


Francoise Girard of the International Women’s Health Coalition has published an article on the ICPD process and how to take it through to the next development framework post-2015. You can find more information here.


If we have missed anything you think we SHOULD be reading, then let us know in the comments below, or via Twitter and Facebook!

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