Every week we post interesting, provocative, informative and thought-provoking articles that we at DSW have been reading – from global health, to sexual rights, to ODA and the future of development assistance. Enjoy!


– Ahead of the European Parliament elections at the end of May, MEP Michael Cashman pops up twice this week, defending universal access to SRHR and highlighting to AfGH the importance of health and human rights.


IPPF has launched their #idecide campaign this week, seeking to have SRHR front and centre in the post-2015 development agenda. The Guardian covers the main themes of the campaign here.


– The EU has launched new guidelines for involving the private sector in development assistance. The new guidelines have received a grilling here, here and here.


– According to USAID, the global fight against neglected tropical diseases has now reached 465 million people, with 1 billion treatments having now reached people living in the world’s poorest countries. You can read more here.


EPF has launched a new manual for MPs to inform and support them as to their role in cervical cancer prevention. You can take a look here.


– AllAfrica.com have a nice opinion piece by a doctor based in Kenya on the value of malaria vaccination.


If we have missed anything you think we SHOULD be reading, then let us know in the comments below, or via Twitter and Facebook!


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