Yesterday we celebrated International Women’s Day. Supporting and empowering women and girls are fundamental to the work of DSW, something which new strive to achieve every day.

To celebrate this, and the continuing contribution that women have made to DSW’s work, we have given over the blog every day this week to members of DSW to talk about the importance of ‘Women working in Development’.


This evening, we hand the blog over to Jessie Mugambi, advocacy officer for DSW Kenya.


Tell us a little about yourself – who are you and what is your role at DSW?

My name is Jessie Mugambi.  I am a young Kenyan interested in bringing positive change in the society. I work with DSW Kenya as an advocacy officer.


What excites you most about your work at DSW?

Young people are constantly growing and developing new skills and abilities. At the same time, they are getting more involved in making major decisions that affect their lives sexually.  But at this tender age, one may lack the experience or information relating to sexuality.  This means that they may still require some guidance and protection. Ensuring sexual and reproductive health rights for young people means recognizing their progressive ability to exercise rights on their own behalf, while also guaranteeing guidance and protection with their best interests in mind.

Working with DSW has provided me with an opportunity to be part and parcel of the team that is committed to solve the complex puzzle of Sexual Reproductive Health Rights among the youth in Kenya and East Africa at large. Through its Youth to Youth approach, DSW has created a very favourable environment where youths can meaningfully participate in making decisions that affects their sexual lives. DSW makes sure that the youth are fully involved as equal partners throughout the entire process.


In your view, how have women shaped the global development arena?

Women are inherent members of our society. Their roles in political leadership, crusading for social change and development cannot be gainsaid. From a religious point of view, God created a woman to be a man’s companion and man cannot walk without her through the journey of life.  They make families and families make the society. This clearly shows that they are a basic unit of the society and we should never think that a society could ever exist without them.


Who is your biggest role model?

My biggest role model is Martin Luther [King Jr.]. His efforts in championing for civil rights are unmatched.


How will you be marking International Women’s Day this year?

Am eagerly waiting for the day. This is a day that the world celebrates the extraordinally accomplishments of women in shaping the society positively. The Government will be the lead in marking the celebrations at the national level. I will be representing DSW in marking the celebrations.

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