Yesterday we celebrated International Women’s Day. Supporting and empowering women and girls are fundamental to the work of DSW, something which new strive to achieve every day.

To celebrate this, and the continuing contribution that women have made to DSW’s work, we have given over the blog every day this week to members of DSW to talk about the importance of ‘Women working in Development’.


This morning, we hand the blog over to Hiwot Bogale, project officer for DSW Ethiopia.


Tell us a little about yourself – who are you and what is your role at DSW?

I am a project officer at DSW Ethiopia, my major roles include:  following up youth to youth program activities, contributing to the monthly newspapers and other IEC materials and co-facilitating trainings.


What excites you most about your work at DSW?

I am excited to work with young people. In addition I am very much enthused about working on the monthly newspapers as they initiate me to read more.


In your view, how have women shaped the global development arena?

By increasing their roles in different sectors like education, business, politics, etc.


Who is your biggest role model?

My mother is my biggest role model.


How will you be marking International Women’s Day this year?

As it is going to be on a Saturday I will probably be having a lazy day.

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