Saturday, March 8th, is International Women’s Day. Supporting and empowering women and girls are fundamental to the work of DSW, something which new strive to achieve every day.

To celebrate this, and the continuing contribution that women have made to DSW’s work, we are giving over the blog every day to members of DSW to talk about the importance of ‘Women working in Development’


This lunchtime, we give the floor to Anne, Alan Sizomu, the National Team Coordinator for Advocacy at DSW Uganda.


Tell us a little about yourself – who are you and what is your role at DSW?

My name is Anne Alan Sizomu, and I work at DSW’s Uganda Country office as a National Team Coordinator- Advocacy. My role involves leading advocacy efforts in the CO as well as providing technical support in the area of advocacy and programs. This role further involves, Liaise with various donors funding projects and build relations with other donors to explore opportunities of funding. Ensure adherence to donor requirements within and outside the organization through sub-grantee organizations.


What excites you most about your work at DSW?Anne photos 09 002

Being able to see change happen at community and national level. My work is so dynamic and it allows me to be creative and innovative, DSW gives this opportunity. This creates excitement as an idea transforms and become a reality that impacts on people.


In your view, how have women shaped the global development arena?

Women have pushed for changes and better health for only for themselves but for men and women in this world to benefit.  The women have empowered and made men realise that development can only occur if women are included in the equation. There is still a lot to be done in increasing meaningful participation of women in leadership, but opportunities are more than before and as women we need to take advantage of the space to influence and work as a unit to help each other grow.


Who is your biggest role model?

My mom and aunt.


How will you be marking International Women’s Day this year?

I will be part of the campaign that is promoting FP among young people so its launch is timed on Women’s Day and it will great to meet different young women and men that I have mentored creating change.  Secondly, I intend to join of the districts to Mark this day. Whenever I will be, I intend to reach out to a girl that I can inspire.


Keep following the DSW Blog for continued updates as we celebrate International Women’s Day all week!

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